Monday, November 1, 2010

A Little About Me

I'ts been two years ago since I started trying to create my own blog but i wasn't able to mantain  and update it regularly because my work hampered me to do so. And also I was too hooked in facebook that every hour I checked and browsed over my fb account. But lately I found it boring. People just keep you updating what they're doing and show off what they have, whom they with and where were they. It may seem entertaining scrolling there pictures and write comments but sometimes some postings were nonesense. So I opted to blogging again because here you could write anything under the sun and could learn many things. So hopefully I could seriously maintain this account and could meet other bloggers and make friends with them. Just giving you a little info about myself ...

Rhenzy is not my real name. It's a name I picked and wanted to give to my baby someday. I don't really want to divulge everything about me so as to keep my personal profile private and of course I could write anything without any hesitation and apprehension that I could hurt somebody and they might take it personally against me or could make violent reactions and actions. But apparently, some of my items are about my life, the journey I have been through, the plans and dreams I want to share, my thoughts on something that gets my attention, just anything that pops up on my head. It's indeed a world of blogging.

To continue, I'm 28 years old and having a married status for more than two years to my long time partner. We don't have kids and physically we are miles away as I am working here in HongKong and  him in South Korea. To say it straight, I'm a domestic helper here  in Hongkong. On January 8 next year, my contract will end and hopefully  before that day comes I could have my visa already  bound to Canada under Live-in Caregiver Program. I'm really crossing my fingers on it. Actually, with the same reason as others would have, processing of papers here in Hongkong is faster as compared in the Philippines. But unfortunately in my part, it takes longer due to many reasons. Surely, in my future posting, I'm going to share to you the timeline and the processing of LCP so as to give idea for those who are interested. Anyway, as I said I work here as a domestic helper. I'm too lucky to be employed in a Chinese family who made my work easy and I could testify that
working such job is "paswerti-swerti". I'm just fortunate that my employer are nice and my works are not that hard but still I'm a DH. Unlike with my other friends who are "malas" with their employers, I'm too "
swerti" to clean a small flat, to look after a 6-year old girl, just market and cook our food only if granny can't make it, madam is not that meticulous interms of cleanliness, and lots of time for facebooking, reading online showbiz and news. I always left alone during weekdays since the couple are working and the kid is in school. Lots of freedom and surely I didn't feel like a slave. I really thanks God for it.

So since I'm working and living here in Hong Kong for nearly two years, probably I will share to you some of our experiences, adventures and stories. I'm going to tackle some Chinese lifestyle, make comparison to Filipino culture, the places you must see or visit when you have plans to tour HK, gonna give you info on transfortation, food and best buy, and anything that I think could help and benefits you.

I have 3 more months to go and hopefully in my future postings I could share lots of information and ideas about Hongkong. I'm really praying that I could have my visa before November ends so that if God allows me to journey a new place, I might do write ups as well to the new experience, challenge and adventure. Aja people!


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